Hello everyone! Look at this. I’m getting another post up and it hasn’t been a million months. It’s another miracle! I’m still working on getting back into the groove of reviewing shortlisters, but I’ve been distracted by books coming out that I’ve been waiting for… I’ll try to get back into it, I promise.
Anywho, today I thought I’d use my blog to make a little announcement. It’s nothing huge, but it is something that I have been thinking about. A lot of authors have multiple pen names for the different genres that they write in. I had thought about it but never fully considered it just because it took me forever to settle on the name I currently have. (Trust me - I went through about three before I settled on Emily Crewse Kalka.)
But I decided now is probably the best time to do this. The books that I’ve gained the most attention for are mystery/thriller, though I have written some fantasy/urban fantasy. Currently, there are two posted on my Wattpad and Inkitt, alongside my three mystery/thrillers. I kind of want to differentiate between them, so after consulting with my friends, I’ve come up with a new pen name. For now, I’m going to use it only on my fantasy/urban fantasy books. I do have a few more in the works that I hope to complete someday. (Though, to be honest, I never really understood why I can’t just write whatever I want under one name… hence why it took me so long to get to this point.)

Without further ado, may I introduce my new pen name… Yvonne Monroe.
Yvonne is my grandmother’s middle name and I’ve always loved it. Should I ever have a daughter someday, I fully intend to give her the same middle name, but in the meantime, I thought this was a nice way to use it. Monroe is from my amateur burlesque days. I went by the stage name Rosie Monroe and my friends suggested I use the last name.
I’ve already changed the covers on the two books on Wattpad and any new fantasy or urban fantasy that I write and post will also go under that name. I had thought about using something a bit closer to my current name, but, eh. I couldn’t come up with anything that I liked.
So yeah. Mystery/thriller is Emily Crewse Kalka. Fantasy/Urban Fantasy is going to be Yvonne Monroe (though I still think it sounds almost like a spicy romance novelist… still love it.) And in daily life, I’m just Emma.
In other writing news, I’ve finished all the writing on “Queen of the Wood,” which is insane to me. I started writing it in August and I can’t nearly believe that I’ve already completed it. Currently, I’m going through to re-edit everything from the beginning. I think I can make it a bit darker. Plus, I need to do first-round edits on the final four chapters. So, for the time being, I’m going to keep posting one chapter a week on Wattpad and Inkitt until I get that done. Then I might just through everything up at once so I can start focusing on my next project.
Got so many ideas, but I want to try and focus on a new cozy mystery series based on my hometown in Oklahoma. I also want to go back and work on book 2 in my Fishers Bay Series (Urban Fantasy). Kind of put that off for long enough, I should think…
So, what do you think? Do you like the new pen name?
